The theme for our Winter issue is Has the Befana ever left charcoal in your stocking?, which is explored through an excerpt from a novel in progress, short prose and photography, like this image of Calton Hill, by Bob Blesse.
Winter 2016 – Issue 11
If you would like to read previous issues, please check out The Journal page.
Cooler mornings, shorter days and the smell of firewood in the air: is this writing weather we see coming? Don’t get us wrong, beach weather is great, but we find that with the arrival of cold weather, cups of tea and rain tapping against the window, stories emerge that have hidden in the shadows all summer long.
The theme for this issue is ‘When what you fall back on doesn’t work anymore’, which is explored through short prose, poetry and drawings by Francesco Duffy-Boscagli.
Here at The Sigh Press are happy to see the longer days and warmer evenings (although there is more rain than we would like!).
The theme for this issue is ‘the heat is on’ which is explored through love, loss, examination of life, the passage of time, and the hidden meaning of words, accompanied by the artwork of Elena Secci.
The Spring Issue 2016 of The Journal is now online.
It’s a hive of activity in The Sigh Press offices (virtual as they are!) and we certainly feel the resurgence of spring in the many ideas and plans in the pipeline since the start of 2016: another Open Mic Poetry Night, a Publishing Day and a new series of interviews, to name but a few. Check out our Notes in The Journal to see more or our Facebook page for all events and other tidbits.
This issue explores love, music appreciation and ponders the difficulty of making a risotto, all accompanied by the artwork of Lillian Rodriguez.
We’ve had a busy few months streamlining the website and joining Facebook, which will be a great way to keep in touch with readers between issues. Also, in September and October, The Sigh Press partnered with the Stibbert Museum and the Angeli del Bello to hold a series of art-related events for children and adults in Stibbert Park.
This issue was inspired by a combination of photo and text – “Forget the dog, beware of owner” and it was interesting as always to see how people interpreted this prompt.
We are excited to say we are publishing our first podcast, The Dog Days by Erzsébet Gilbert, which we hope will be the first of many audio recordings. There is nothing quite like hearing an author read her own work.